Our Services

We believe in being ethical, honest, and customer service oriented. Our team of arborists from Jacksonville Florida will do a consultation where we can discuss with you exactly what your trees needs and walk you through how we will achieve that goal.  


904tree.com will remove any condemned structures! From houses to mobile homes, garages to pools, and from decks to driveways. We believe in safe, productive, and efficient demolition.

tractor work jacksonville fl north florida


We believe in doing proper tractor work. We will go in and do dirt work, lite land clearing, and heavy brush mowing. In other words, we will go in and do the “dirty work”.

view enhancements jacksonville florida north florida fl

View ENhancements

Picture this: it is a beautiful Saturday morning. You wake up, day off of work, poor a cup of coffee, turn on the morning news. You open the curtains outside, and what do you see? Shrubbery, tree branches, and unwanted vegetation. Sounds awful, right? At 904tree.com, our goal is to enhance the view of your property. We want that peaceful Saturday morning to be completely topped off by a clear view of your yard.

Also, on top of everything else, having a great view will add value to your property. If you decide to sell your property one day, get the most from your investment by enhancing the view of your property!

tree removal jacksonville fl north florida

Tree Removal

The importance of tree removal varies from what a person needs and wants. You may think you need to cut it down because a fly by night tree guy lied to you who is trying to make a quick dollar, or a person tells you it's dead or diseased. Here at 904tree.com, we will give you an honest evaluation and try to educate you about your trees.
We believe not every answer to your trees is to cut it down as we like to preserve the trees throughout Jacksonville if we can. If it needs to come down because it is dead or causing property damage to your home, driveway, cars, or yard.. give us a call today! We will come evaluate your trees free of charge with honest answers and maybe an alternative solution to cutting down the tree. Now, if you just want it cut because you don't like we are your guys too. We look forward to hearing from you today!

tree trimming north florida jacksonville fl

Tree Trimming

There are multiple ways to improve the appearance of your yard. Keeping your grass well cut and weed eating are common ways to do so, but one of the ways that get spoke about less is going in and trimming your trees. Your yard is made up of different things and a tree is one of the most common things there is. Going in and having a tree that is trimmed will increase fruit production, it will allow sunlight to shine through easier, and it will also provide safety, as branches can fall off of your tree and fall anywhere.

At 904tree.com, our team understands the value of having a tree that is trimmed. Call us today for more information!

underbrush removal


When you walk outside and you have any sort of difficult time access parts of your property because you are stepping on shrubs, briars, etc., then removing your underbrush sounds like the ideal solution to that problem. Removing underbrush will improve the appearance and health of your yard as well.

Our team will go in and clear up this aggravating issue with dedication and professionalism.

Tree Service in the North FLorida Area is our passion. We would love to assist you with your needs, so reach out today to get started!